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Craze Dance Academy is a child-friendly establishment, with 3 studios, a warm-up area, and a place for parents to wait in comfort with younger siblings.

Procedures & Policies

A studio newsletter is distributed to students each term.  We ask that students and parents read this carefully and note important dates and information that are included.

Lost Property

There is a lost property basket in the warm-up area.  Please check this box as soon as possible if you are missing any property.  The lost property is taken to The Salvation Army if unclaimed at the end of each term.

Annual Concert

Craze Dance Academys annual concert is held in early December of each year and all students are encouraged to participate.  The concert is a wonderful way for students to gain performance experience, and for families and friends to celebrate their development.  There are several public performances of the show, as well as performances for the schools.

The manufacture of most costumes is organised by the studio and costs are always kept to a minimum.

The concert date will be advised.  Please note this date carefully in your diary and advise your teacher straight away if you will be unable to participate.

Injury Prevention and Management Strategies

Teachers at Craze Dance Academy employ injury prevention and management strategies, in accordance with the Australian Guidelines for Dance Teachers (CREATE Australian Dance Council , 1997)  The importance of correct warm-up and cool-down is emphasised and applied in all classes.

Emergency Procedures

A stocked first aid kit is accessible to all classes at all times.  Teachers also carry updated lists of emergency telephone numbers, including local ambulance, police and fire brigade.  In the event of a medical emergency, the teacher will endeavour to contact parents immediately.  If parents are un-contactable, the teachers reserve the right to call for ambulance service, if deemed necessary.

Complaints & Difficulties

Any complaints and/or difficulties can be easily resolved as Miss Laura and Miss Becky are always available.  Please feel free to contact them and make arrangements to discuss any issues that arise.  It is preferred that this is not done during class time, but we encourage you to contact them immediately should a concern arise.
