With the magical Christmas Tree and the brilliant dancers another great spectacular was created.
‘Kymberleigh Cowley danced the strong part of ‘The Nutcracker’ and Holly Mackie shared the part of ‘Clara’ with Brittany Hawkins and Daisy Sonter-Kelso as the ‘The Sugar Plum Fairy’.
The Nutcracker Ballet is based on the story “The Nutcracker & the King of Mice” written by E T A Hoffman and set to music by Tchaikovsky.
The story of a young German girl who dreams of a Nutcracker Prince and a fierce battle against a Mouse King.
The Party Scene It is Christmas Eve at the Stahlbaums House – A large and grand house with the most beautiful Christmas tree. The Stahlbaums are hosting their annual Christmas party welcoming the arrival of their friends and family. The children, Clara and Fritz, are dancing and playing as they welcome their friends too.
Godfather Drosselmeyer sends a gift for the family. A beautiful Christmas Angel for the tree. When Clara places the Angel on top of the tree, the magic begins.
The party grows festive with music and dance when Drosselmeyer enters. He is a skilled clock and toy maker and always full of surprises. Drosselmeyer draws everyone’s attention as he presents two life-size dolls.
The children begin to open gifts when Drosselmeyer presents his gift to Clara. Fritz becomes jealous and grabs the Nutcracker from Clara and promptly breaks it! Clara is heart broken looking on as Drosselmeyer quickly repairs the Nutcracker with his magic handkerchief.
As the evening grows late, the guests depart. Clara is worried about her beloved Nutcracker and sneaks back to the tree to check him.
The Fight Scene As the clock strikes midnight strange things begin to happen. Drosselmeyer casts a spell on the house, sending Clara into a deep sleep. When she wakes, she is being attacked by life size mice and the grand Christmas tree begins to grow. The mice are lead by the fierce Mouse King. The Nutcracker awakens, and leads his army of toy soldiers into battle with the mice. The Mouse King corners the Nutcracker, but luckily Clara makes a daring charge throwing her slipper at the Mouse King, hitting him square in the head. The Mouse King drops to the floor and the mice run away, carrying their King.
The Journey The Nutcracker is a so grateful for Clara saving his life he decides to take her to the Magical Sugar Plum Fairy. He calls on the Christmas Angel to show them the way. On their journey they travel through the Land of Snow, an enchanted forest wonderland where they are welcomed by dancing snowflakes.
The Enchanted Castle The Christmas Angel escorts the Nutcracker and Clara to the Enchanted Castle. Clara is overwhelmed by this magical place, and she becomes lost. It is then when the Mouse King tries to get his revenge. He is just about to attack Clara when the Nutcracker steps in. They battle until the Nutcracker finds his strength and kills the Mouse King.
The Sugar Plum Fairy arrives and rewards the bravery of Clara and the Nutcracker with a celebration of dances from around the world.
They are entertained by the Spanish, The Russian, The Chinese, The Arabian, The Dance of the Flutes and The Waltz of the Flowers.
As a finale, the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Nutcracker perform for Clara.
The Dream Ends The Sugar Plum Fairy invites Clara to dance with everyone before she sends Clara back into a deep sleep. Drosselmeyer arrives reversing his magical spell. Clara awakens from her dream and finds herself by her Christmas tree with her beloved Nutcracker