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2004 Beauty and the Beast and Chicago Jazz Spectacular

    Our very first production, with a small cast who performed beautifully.  Kymberleigh Cowley stared as ‘Belle’ and lead the new performers in their very first major production.

    Daisy Sonter-Kelso swept across the stage as ‘Le Plume’.

    Once upon a time there lived a handsome but selfish young prince.

    One cold winter’s night, he unkindly refused to help an old beggar woman.

    “Do not be deceived by appearances,” warned the old woman.

    “True beauty is found within.”

    She changed the Prince into a hideous beast and cast a spell on the castle and everyone in it.

    She gave the Prince a magic mirror, which would show him anything he asked, and an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his twenty-first birthday. 

    If by then he could learn to love, and earn a girl’s love in return, the spell would be broken. 

    If not, he would remain a Beast forever.

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